We did a fun thing at Startupfest! Canadian Ecosystem Gathering 2019

In collaboration with Startupfest and the Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC), Mangrove brought together 34 leaders from 6 different provinces across Canada to participate in the first Canadian Ecosystem Gathering. Together, they got their hands dirty and talked about collaboration between innovative ecosystems across the country. 

After a short portrait of Canada’s entrepreneurial ecosystem by Startup Canada and a case example of collaborations inside an ecosystem by Bonjour Startup Montreal, the leaders were divided into three discussion groups. 

Together, they got down to the basics: What’s collaboration all about and why is it relevant

They crunched their minds to provide good examples of collaboration throughout Canada, and what bad collaboration looks like

Most importantly: What concrete actions can improve collaboration throughout Canada? 

Every few days for the following weeks, we will share some insights that emerged from this collective knowledge on Mangrove’s Facebook page

You want to binge-read the entire report? Be our guest! You can download it HERE 


Once again, we would like to thank StartupfestSecrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes and the Canadian Ecosystem Gathering participants for taking part in this adventure with us! 

Nathalie Ouellet

Executive Director, Mangrove